Crassus refers to Spartacus' slave army as "terrorists", talks about a "New World Order" and even uses the phrase "you're either with us or against us". Particularly disturbing was the whole George Bush/Marcus Crassus analogy that is not subtle at all.

But I felt this version squandered much of the dramatic impetus of the Spartacus legend. I was also looking forward to seeing the actor who plays Crassus, who I thought was excellent in BraveHeart. The ER guy is definitely more ethnically accurate. Kirk Douglas was too old and too "Anglo" to play the real Spartacus. Nevertheless I was optimistic about this remake because I thought that new technology, modern film techniques and historical authenticity would make it fresh and vibrant. Any remake of this story begs comparisons to Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece and when you come up against greats such as Olivier, Ustinov, Douglas and the old dude who played the fat senator you are going to come up short. In all fairness to the people who remade this movie, they had a difficult task ahead of them.